Day 13, Tuesday 9:24 Inverness

I love Inverness. The countryside around it is breath taking. The further up the train went the thicker the trees became until it looked like we were travelling through a dense forest. Once and a while a clearing would pop up dotted with fluffy white sheep. We spent most of the afternoon on a boat tour of the Loch ness. It was spectacular! Yes, it was the third time for me but I can’t imagine getting board by the grandiose landscape. It did start to get a bit chilly toward the end, but I still loved every minute.

Meg and I made friends with some friendly French boys on the boat. They fly back to Paris tomorrow. They asked for our email addresses. We are hoping they will contact us to meet up with them in Paris. Wouldn’t that be cool? Their English is not so good and my French is pretty sparse to say the least so our conversation was interesting. It always amazes me what can be communicated with out words.

We are taking the sleeper train to London tomorrow night. I am not sure what we are going to do to keep ourselves busy tomorrow. I think Meg is starting to get homesick and worn out. Truthfully I am surprised she made it his long. Travelling is exhausting and it is her first time away from home for this long. I just hope she can keep a little spring in her step for a few more days. I could do this forever. Sure I get tired. Sure I miss the comforts of home, but I just love this. I can’t explain it. Maybe I have a little gypsies in me!

1 comment:

marienne said...

Hi Michelle, I'm bored here at the MGFK waiting for these two slllloooowwww ladies fix their meals.So boorrrrrriiiiinnggg! Anyway I'm glad you are having a good time on your trip. Miss you! Marienne