Paris and Home again.

Well, we are home safe and sound! I was unable to blog in France. For one thing their keyboards are different then here at home and it would have taken me a life time to type anything up. Secondly, the computer at our hotel did not have a USB Port so I was unable to post photos as well.

The plane ride was horrible! I started getting sick our last few days in Paris and by the time we got on the airplane my little virus was in full swing. I hacked and coughed and sneezed my way through both flights (and 10 mini packets of tissues). The flight from New York to Salt Lake was the worst. It was jammed packed and I had the unfortunate position of being a sliver in between Meghan and a massive Greek man. The later kept falling asleep and would slowly drift over until he was practically on top of me. I would shove him off and he would slowly begin to drift back over again. I was also feeling so exhausted and sick. I tried desperately not to scream! But we finally made it back to Utah with out killing the Greek man and causing and international incident.

Ahhh . . . what to say about Paris! It was amazing. I love PARIS! I enjoyed Paris on this trip more then I have during any other. I think it was because I was more comfortable. Yes, my very limited French vocabulary got a work out, but we got around ok. I was overjoyed when I walked up to the ticket window at the metro, asked for tickets in French, and she actually handed them over! Wahoo!

Everyone needs to go to Paris at least once in their life. The food is incredible, and the sights spectacular. The Eiffel tower still has the ability to cover my entire body in goose bumps. I was sad to leave, but I know I will be back again someday!

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