Day 12 (and 11th) Monday 8:45 AM, On the road to Inverness

I did not write yesterday. Meg and I were both down in the dumps. I hate feeling like that when I am travelling. It’s a waist of what could be an amazing day! I think Meg was a bit homesick. She is missing her family and friends (and we both miss our beds). Me, on the other hand, was just plain bored! Can you imagine that!!!

It was my forth time in Edinburgh. If you add up the number of days I have spent in the capital city of Scotland it would equal nearly two weeks! Yesterday we went to the castle and once again I found myself listening to the same commentary, reading the same plaques, looking at the same cannons and chapels and monuments. Ahh! I wanted to run down the coble stone street with my palms pressed to my temples screaming “NO MORE!” I feel so ungrateful for feeling that way. I love Scotland, I love Edinburgh, and today as we sat on the train and I watched the castle descend into the mist I felt sad. I know I will probably never come back.

There is so much to do in Edinburgh but we just saw the castle. Meghann has not been a museum girl; they bore her easily. So we didn’t go to any in Edinburgh. I would have pressed the issue if I had not already been through them all. The Palace was closed to visitors because someone from the royal family was there, so we just went shopping. Even that was tedious for me. The same old rows and rows of shops filled with the same layers and layers of plaid items.

We went back to the hostel (which is lovely) and sat by the sea for a while. It was misty and cold. We didn’t stay long. I soaked in the tub for a couple hours and then called it a night!

So, its time for a better attitude!

We are on a train headed deep into the highlands and Inverness. This will be my third trip there. I hope I can keep the enthusiasm up! Loch ness is so beautiful, its hard to imagine getting bored of it.

Our trip is winding down. Our next destination is Paris and then we are homeward bound.

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