Our hostel is a mile and a half from the train station. We decided to splurge (and save our feet) and snagged a taxi. Something strange happened as we packed up our packs this morning. Some how they have grown in bulk and weight! What the. . . ! We are contemplating on what we can throw out. We have so little already; it is difficult to decide on what gets the boot. (or maybe it will actually be the boots!)
We are staying at the Sea Dragon Backpackers. It is a small hostel owned by a young couple who use to be backpackers themselves. They have settled down into this little niche and just had their first baby. He is adorable. The owners could not be nicer people. They are taking great care of us, especially the husband Glen. (Who Megahnn calls “Mr. Hottie” when he is (sort of) out of ear shot.)
Glen showed us to our room. Like I said before, it is tiny and a bit shabby. Meghann’s first introduction to Hostel living came complete with a used condom outside our window ledge! Which naturally leads to the next question, whose bed got all the fun? I am guessing it was mine . . . unfortunately. Gross! I had been hoping to ease Meghann into the backpacker’s life style a bit more gently!
We did a lot of walking today! We started with a mile walk along the be
We made the long walk back to the hostel and grabbed our dirty, sweaty clothes and spent the evening at the laundry mat. We went to the super market for dinner food and cooked it in the
While at the laundry mat Meghann did a count of how many days we have left on the trip. She came up with nine and then burst into tears. “I don’t want to go home” she wailed.
I promised her there will always be more trips. “I am already planning the next one.” She assured me as her chin quivered.
The weather here has been incredible! Not on drop of rain since we got to E
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