Day 3 continued, Saturday 8:30 PM, London

Once it was a decent hour to leave the hotel, Meg and I set out looking for adventure! Meg experienced her first “tube” ride (underground) of which she declared to be “cool”. Well, it is pretty cool!

We spent most of the day exploring Windsor Castle. Meghann ran around like we were at Disney Land! It was a pretty nice castle as castles go. Oh to be a princess! Well we may not be princess but Meg and I met our knights in shining armer while we were at Windsor Castle. They are so handsome!

Back in London we went through the Cabinet War Rooms Museum. These were underground tunnels which were the head quarters for London during World War II. I loved this stuff! The highlights for me was Mrs. Churchill's bed room and Winston Churchill's bed room. Come to think of it, they were no where near each other!

By this point my feet were screaming in pain! Why? I don't know! I am baffled! I am wearing shoes I wear everyday at home, and I walk three miles nearly everyday at home in said shoes. I hobbled back to the hotel nearly in tears. Once inside our room I slipped my shoes off (which was pretty painful in its self!) I found one massive blister on the bottom of my right foot. Great. . .

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