Day 5, 11:00 PM Monday, London

We leave London tomorrow and I am a bit teary about it. I am always this way when its time to leave this city. Most of you know it’s my dream to live here someday. When I say that to people who actually live here they balk and start listing the reasons why it is a horrible place to call home. The crowds, the crime, the taxes, the rain, the crazy drivers! But I can’t help myself. . . London captivated me from my first trip 10 years ago. It is where all this travelling stuff began.

London has it all right at your finger tips! Art, Music, the theatre, museums, libraries, gardens and so much history. It’s all there for the taking! Sometimes when I am home I feel like I am starving for want of it all. Here I gorge myself with all this culture! I grow fat on it (well, and the fish and chips).

Anyway, enough of my melancholy wishes, on with the show!

Today started as every day has since we got here, bright and early at 4:00 AM. My old friend Jet Lag is having his way with us. He does not want to let us go. I made a little video of us singing on the steps of St. Paul’s and when I played it back I saw the dark circles under our eyes. My friend is not being kind. I told Meghann that today we were going to stomp him out! Lots of moving, lots of exercise, and above all, no naps!

We began with a tube ride to Portobello Market. Because today is part of the three day weekend I expected the market would be booming. Wrong-o Buck-o! There was nothing there! We asked a young Egyptian store owner about it and he simply shrugged his shoulders and said, “It’s a holiday, come back on Saturday.” He then promptly hit on Meghann. “You are a beautiful girl. I like you a lot. If I didn’t have to work I would spend all day with you.” Meghann blushed and we left.

“Gee Meghann,” I said, “If I had been you I would have asked when he was getting of work!” He was pretty cute.

Next we headed for St. Paul’s Cathedral. It’s always a awe inspiring place. The gold gilded ceilings, the marble statues, the vaulted ceilings, and the massive dome rising above the nave. Meg and I lit a candle and sent our prayers to Heaven. We then sat on the steps outside just contemplating the fact that we were there, sitting on the steps of St. Paul’s in London! (By the way, it’s often a good thing, wherever you are, to just sit once and a while and contemplate where you are!)

From there we headed over to the imperial War Museum. This place was massive! We only saw about a forth of the exhibits, both of our favourites being the holocaust exhibition. Of course it was very sad but everything was displayed in such a powerful way. We spent over an hour just in those rooms.

So, on to Trafalgar’s Square. Our plan was to explore the National Gallery but we are both tired and since I have seen it a few times I did not make a fuss when Meg said she could do without another museum. We sat on the edge of a fountain for a bit and watched the massive throng of people circle around us. We then did a bit of London souvenir shopping and went back to the hotel to freshen up. By this point we were both pretty hammered and sweaty! We showered and then set off for the theatre.

We saw “We Will Rock You,” which is a show set to the music of Queen. It was pretty amazing! I feel like I am losing my voice now from all the screaming and singing I did. Misty, you will have been in Heaven. As Wayne and Garth would put it, we most defiantly are not worthy!

So, tomorrow we leave my London neighbourhood behind and journey down to the English coast. We will see you next in Brighton!

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