Minneapolis lay over!

One flight down, one to go!

We are doing great so far. Mom and Debbie turned up this morning looking like the double-mint twins! And yes, it was on purpose. We are all soooooo excited to finally get to England. This has been nearly a year in the making and I can’t believe it is finally here! Our plan is to sleep all the way on the air plane and wake up ready to tackle an afternoon of sight seeing. So stay tuned!
Oh- and I got some awesome news! While sitting her in the airport I got a call and was offered a job! I have been so worried about spending all of my savings on this trip, but it looks like everything is going to work out after all. Now I can truly sit back and relax. Funny how things tend to work out. So many blessings!

London is so not ready for the three of us. . . hee hee hee!

1 comment:

Misty said...

The planned it. HAHA! That's funny.