Day Twelve: A long train ride, an old church and making dinner in a convent. . .

September 26
We are staying in an old convent tonight. It has become a little oasis for us! It was difficult for us to leave it to go site seeing after we got here. . . We are staying up in one of the attic bedrooms. Our room is one of the larger ones that we have had since our trip began. We even have a little seating area. The bathroom and toilets are down the hall, but it doesn’t matter. There is a recreation room one floor below us with comfy sofas, a TV and a pool table. I am writing to you from the small kitchen next to our room. We are making real food tonight! We are having quiche, carrot soup and of course tea. I am writing while I wait for everything to cook.

Today was another big travel day for us. We got up early in order to catch the early train to London. From London’s Waterloo station we took a taxi to Kings Cross station (where we stopped briefly for a photo opt at plateform 9 3/4 before catching our train!). We were going to take the tube but you should see us loaded down with our bags! We initially packed light, but the volume in our bags have grown so much that we each had to buy another bag to put all our stuff in! How did that happen! It was the Jane Austen house that pushed me over the tipping point. Anyway, the taxi actually ended up being cheaper and less of a hassle then the tube anyway. Mom and Deb nearly had heart attacks during the drive though! Mom says she can’t understand why I scream at my dads driving but don’t so much as have a heart flutter in a London taxi cab. I don’t know, go figure.

We arrived in York at about noon and found the convent easily enough. We dropped off our things and then headed out into the old part of town. I have been to York before with my sister Misty. It is was one of our favorite places during or visit. Every time I revisit one of these places I have been to before, I miss my sis! Anyway, York is the only city in England that still has its entire medieval city wall intact. You can actually climb the stairs and walk around it. The old part of the city has so many narrow streets and alleyways that the bulk of it is a pedestrian only zone. Its nice to be able to just wander the city without having to worry about the traffic!

The only thing we could fit in today was The York Minster. It is a huge old church! The current building was built about 800 years ago, but there have been religious structures on the sight for much longer then that. The York Minster boasts to be the largest cathedral in Europe and has more midieval stained glass in it then all the other churches in England combined! Our tour guide today said that the cathedral was built by the archbishop of York to "one up" the cathedral the archbishop of Canterbury had built in the south. Do I sense a little cathedral envy going on there?
So, that has been our day!

Mom and Debbie are in the basement doing laundry. YES! The convent has a place to do laundry too! I will finish up with dinner and relax. One of the bathrooms has a gigantic bathtub! Or maybe we should find the chapel later for evening prayers? You know, I just might! When in Rome. . .

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