Day One, LONDON!

September 15th
11:00 PM London

It feels like today started a week ago. It has been so long! We didn’t sleep at all on the plane. It was crowded and uncomfortable and, in my opinion, terrifying! . The air was pretty choppy in some parts. It seemed like every time I talked myself into being relaxed the plane would start to jerk and my heart would fly into my throat!

Anyway, even though we were exhausted we were determined to keep going. We made it through immigration and customs very quickly and climbed aboard the "tube." Yes! Mom and Deb’s first tube ride! It was a beautiful thing to behold! It was an hour ride into the center of London and both of them sleepily head bobbed the entire way.

We made it to our hotel with no problem. We are really close to Victoria station. Our room is up four flights of incredibly steep stairs. We had to be careful not to wack our heads on the ceiling as we slung our luggage up one step at a time! Our room is small but clean and the shower so welcoming I nearly cried out in joy as I stood under it.

So, it is a fact that every ones first stop in London should be Big Ben! After we dropped of our bags we made our way there. It doesn’t matter how many times I see that iconic clock tower, the sight of it still covers my entire body in goose bumps. . . We rushed over to Westminister Abby wanting enough time to explore the old church before they closed. We were like zombie as we wondered around looking at hundreds of stone memorials. The "Who’s-Who" of British dead included Queen Elizabeth I, "Bloody" Mary I, and Mary Queen of Scots, just to name a few.

We collapsed upon our hotel beds at 7:00 PM and immediately lost consciousness! I woke up four hours later in panicked silence! (It took me a second to realize I had ear plugs in). I had no idea where I was! I saw mom coming out of the bathroom and it hit me. I AM IN LONDON! HOLY FREAKING HECK! So, we are all wide awake now. Jet lag is a hideous travel companion.

1 comment:

Misty said...