Day Four: The boy scouts, church, some old stuff and two dead princes.

September 18, 2011

Today started with a trip to church. When I am in London I always go to the ward in South Kensington. It is generally so easy to find. Just a quick tube ride and there it is, just across from the station! I did not think I would have a problem finding it but I got online and found the address on just in case. So, once we hit the end of the line for our tube stop I found that the exit I usually take from the station was closed so when we stepped into the light I became a bit disoriented. I asked for directions and we started walking. We passed a building when Deb started squawking, "Stop! Its Baden Powell’s house! Take a picture!" Mom and I stopped to blink at her in confusion. "Who is Braden Powell?" we asked. She looked at us like we were ridiculously stupid. "The founder of the Boy Scouts!" She said excitedly. So I snapped her photo and we moved on. We kept walking but nothing looked familiar. I looked down at the address. We were in the right place, but it was all wrong. We started to back track, but I just could not find the chapel! Finally I decided to go back to the Braden Powell house and ask them where the Mormon church was. The church and the boy scouts have been such great partners I was sure they would know where we were suppose to be! We walked inside and I stood inline at the reception desk waiting to inquire when I heard mom say, "Michelle, look, is that where we are suppose to be?" I looked into a meeting room and saw men in suits handing out the familiar green hymn books. We walked through the door, and there we were, at church, inside the Baden Powell House! Apparently the chapel is being renovated and the congregation had been temporarily relocated. I had printed out the correct address, but it was not matching the mental picture I had in my head! When we sat down we looked at the address and there it was printed at the top of the page, "Braden Powell House." My sense of direction is so off on this trip! Anyway, I am so glad Debbie noticed it! Talk about divine intervention!

Our next stop was just down the street. The Victoria Albert Museum. This is a massive museum started by Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert. It is so massive and overwhelming! We only saw about half of it and then had a delicious lunch in the cafĂ©.
Next we headed for The Tower of London. This large medieval castle took centuries to evolve into what it is today. It is massive and imposing! The tower is currently the home of the crown jewels but in the past it was the sight where many royals behaved badly! (Now wouldn’t that make a cool reality show, "Royals Behaving Badly.") They took turns imprisoning each other over conspiracies and assassination attempts. A few were even tortured and beheaded at the tower. The sight is also where they mystery of the missing princess were solved. The 13 year old, Edward V were kidnaped and imprisoned in the tower with his kid brother by their Uncle Richard III. They were never seen or heard from again! It was long thought that Richard had them killed so he could become King, but it was not until centuries later when the skeleton of two small boys were found in the tower were the suspicion confirmed! Bad, bad King Richard. I guess he got his just dues when his royal rein fell so violently! "My kingdom for a horse!"

We called it another early day and promptly fell asleep at about 4:00, after feasting on Cornish Pasties that is! We are now watching the second season of Downton Abbey! I have been waiting for it to come out in the U.S. It doesn’t even air until next year. How lucky are we!

Tomorrow we meet up with my email buddy Georgina! SO EXCITED! It I also her birthday! (Happy Birthday G!) When I asked her what she wanted me to bring her from America, she said "Twinkies." I hope she won’t be disappointed by the preservative filled sponge cakes!

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