Day nine: An odd writer, boring castle and microscopic seafood!

Sept 23, 2011
We had a lazy morning today. We got up at 7:00 AM, threw on some clothes and stumbled out to breakfast. The hotel we are staying out does a great breakfast set-up! I had toast with butter and marmalade, sweet sausage, fried mushrooms, eggs, portage and juice! Anyway, it is too good to miss which is why we got up, ate, and then went back to bed! We didn’t get up again until after 9:30! See what I mean! Lazy! Anyway, my feet are killing me and the thought of the walk into town did not seem appealing this morning. Mom and Deb set out twenty minutes before me. I planned on catching the bus and meeting them in town. I thought I had plenty of time to get to our meeting place and have a little sit while I read my book. No such luck, they were standing there outside of the bus doors when I arrived. So, off we went!

Our first site today was Victor Hugo’s House. Victor Hugo was exciled from France for 19 years because of his outspoken political views. He spent 14 of those years in Guernsey. He wrote the largest volume of his books while here including Les Miserables. His children donated the house to the city of Paris 40 years after his death so everything in the house is original. All his books and furnature are just how he left them. His house was nothing like I expected. He was defiantly an eccentric kind of dude. He did all his own interior decorating. I think if I had to describe it in one word it would be "theatrical." It seems like everything was done for the shock and ahhhhhh value. He cut up beds and used the craved posters as pillars and head boards as wall art. He covered the walls and ceilings in tapestries. He hung plates and tiles everywhere. There is a chair in the dinning room that looks more like a thrown that was reserved for his dead daughter. He spent four years decorating his bedroom only to have slept in it twice and then deciding that he was saving it for his "death bed." Anyway, the house was fun to visit as it was so unexpectedly odd!

Next we went to the Guernsey Castle. Honestly it was a bit of a let down. It is an old medieval castle set out on the tip of St. Peter’s Port harbor. We hoped to learn the history of the castle, but it ended up being a collection of military museums. One plaque said that the original purpose and history of the castle is unknown. . . so. . . there you go!

I took the bus back to the hotel while mom and deb hoofed it. I am surprised at how brave they are! They have headed out on their own on more then one occasion. Look at them!
We have done really well about not spending a lot of money on food. We have been mainly eating out of the grocery store and then having some "street" food once and a while (fish and chips, pasties, kabobs, etc) Tonight we decided we were going to have a little splurge. There was a fancy seafood restaurant down the street from our hotel we decided to give a try. You know the type, white table clothes, candles, wine glasses, etc. The owner did give us a side ways glance when we handed him back the wine list and then asked for tap water! The prices were expensive but we are worth it! Debbie ordered a seafood salad. She received a half a cup of seafood, fruit and mayo all mixed together and prettily displayed on gigantic plate. Yes, a half a cup! Oh, I forgot to mention there was a garnish. Debbie doesn't eat much and even she was hungry after this meal! Mom ordered the local seafood trio. Her portion was only slightly larger then Debs. I ordered the seafood linguine. I got a nice sized portion but it didn’t taste like anything until I sprinkled it with a generous amount of salt! For that meal we paid nearly 50 pounds ($80!) We walked home wishing we had gone for a $3 Cornish pasty instead! We have decided to stick to the grocery store and street food from now on! It tastes a lot better and is a lot cheaper!

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