Day 2: Ben and the Queen

September 14th, 2015

Today is our only really sight seeing day in London.  We had a lot to pack in and didn't get to half of it.  But that is ok!  We had a great day and took it slow.  We savored the experience instead of rushing it!

We started the day at Buckingham Palace at 9:00 and didn't leave until 3:30!  Jeri loved it so much it nearly took Mom and I dragging her by both arms to get her out.  It took us an hour just to make it down the exit path!  We kept stopping to enjoy the gardens, take pictures and sit on the benches to watch the birds.  We started the morning at the Queens Gallery looking at the vast amount of paintings.  Then we stopped at the Royal Mews and saw the magnificent coaches and horses in the queens fleet.  We stopped to have lunch at a nearby cafe at this point.  Mom and I had a simple ham and cheese and it was amazing!  Crusty bread and sharp cheese.  We saved the palace for last.  I have been before, but it is still awe inspiring.  Jeri wanted to take up residents.  She offered to sleep on the couch.

We lingered a bit longer and had scones, tea, hot chocolate under the garden tent.  It started to pour rain at this point and we sat watching it in delight!  English rain!  How lucky are we!

Finally, after we drug Jeri away kicking and screaming we made our way to Big Ben.  We didn't do much there but snap photos.

Jeri has a cold and at this point we were all dragging, especially our cute friend.  We made our way to Eusten station to buy tickets on the Scottish Sleeper train for later on next week.  This has been a process.  We have been trying to buy these tickets since we got here!  No one has been very helpful.  Finally we found an attendant who was willing to help us sort things out.  I guess the sleeper train company was bought out by another company a couple of weeks ago.  The cost has doubled from when I last looked at it and the attendants don't know how to reserve the tickets any more.  The nice attendant spent a lot of time with us and we finally did get it sorted.  Such a lovely man.  God is good at making sure we find who we need!

So, we gave up on the sight seeing at this point and went back to the hotel.

Tomorrow is our day with George and Kay!  YEA!

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