2008 trip itinerary

Thursday May 1: Travel from Salt Lake to London

Friday May 2: London
Arrive in London early morning. Drop bags at Hotel. Keep smiling!
City Bus Tour- Get off at Big Ben and Westminster Abby and St. Paul’s Cathedral
(Keep Moving! Keep Moving! Keep Moving!)
Early night back to the hotel. 6:00ish

Saturday May 3: London
Day trip to Windsor Castle (to Windsor from London Waterloo 40 minutes to Elton Riverside Station Windsor) Changing of the guard 11:00 AM have to get up early if we want to see it.
National Gallery Art Museum (De Vinci, Van Gogh, Monet, Michelangelo)

Sunday May 4: London
Go to Church
Victoria and Albert Museum
Abby Road (Take a picture of Meghann with out getting smashed!)

Monday May 5: London
Imperial War Museum
Cabinet War Rooms
Broadway Show “We Will Rock You!”

While in London, if there is time we!
Tower of London
Buckingham Palace
The London Eye
Portobello Market

Tuesday May 6: Brighton (Travel time from London Victoria to Brighton: 1 hour 30 minutes)
Royal Pavilion
The Peir
The Beach
The Lanes (shopping cottages) and what ever else Meghann comes up with.

Wednesday May 7: Brighton
Day trip to Arundel (Travel Time: 1 hour)
Arundel Castle and what ever else Meghann comes up with.

Thursday May 8: Haworth (Travel time from Brighton: 5 hours to Keighley. 20 minute bus to Haworth) Catch up on sleep on the train!
Wander the town and the moors.
Stop at the TIC to find out what is fun to do in town.

Friday May 9: Haworth
The Bronte Parsonage
Shopping the cottage shops
Find a laundry-mat

Saturday May 10: Edinburgh (Travel time from Keighley: 4 hours )
Edinburgh Castle
Wander the Town
Eat some Haggis
City of the Dead Tour? (Creepy) or Mercats vaults tour (ghost stories)

Sunday May 11: Edinburgh
The Queens Palace
Museum of Scotland
The Cemetery

Monday May 12: Inverness (Train leaves from Edinburgh at 6:40 AM. Arrives at 10:36. Takes and 3 hours and a half to Inverness)
Staying at Castle View Guest House. Drop off bags.
TIC to book tour to Lochness.

Tuesday May 13: Inverness
Day trip to Donrobin Castle (10:39 from Inverness to Golspie. Leave Golspie 14:46)

Wednesday May 14: Paris
(Sleeper car from Inverness to London leave at 20:25 to 9:28 London Euston. From London St. Pancras to Paris 2 hours 20min).
City Bus Tour
The Louver (open until 10:00 on Wednesdays and Fridays. 8.50 euros after 6:00).

Thursday May 15: Paris
City Bus Tour
Effiel Tower (9:30 AM.-11:30 PM.)
(Sight seeing, anywhere Meg wants to go)
Notre Dame
Arc de Triomphe
Rodin Museum (The Thinker)

Friday May 16: Paris
Day trip to the Palace of Versailles

* * * Saturday May 17: Travel Home


aunt sue said...

Just read your blog. Loved it. Sounds like you are having a great time. Great news about Misty being pregnant. Maybe you can see this baby more than Brandt. Stay safe and have a blast. Love you as always.
Love Aunt Sue

Linda :) said...

Fab blog~~~have fun and know that I am having fun too (?)! Yeah right.